How Technology Decisions Can Hinder Your Vision or Drive Your Momentum

Feb 24, 2022 1:00:00 AM / by McKinley Oswald posted in Business, Direct Sales, Sales Tool, Masterclass, McKinley Oswald, Leadership, Team Verb, Direct Scale


Ten years ago, Meredith Berkich, Chief Growth Officer at Jenkon, attended a DSA event that made a massive impact on her. The speaker gave a presentation on technology and said, “The reality is that direct selling companies need to be technology companies first if they intend to survive and thrive.” This was a significant “light bulb” moment for Meredith, and the quote has stuck with her to this day. In this episode of the Direct Sales Masterclass, Meredith and I discuss how technology decisions can either hinder your company’s vision or drive your successful momentum.

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The Evolution of the Direct Sales Journey

Feb 3, 2022 1:00:00 AM / by McKinley Oswald posted in Business, Direct Sales, Sales Tool, Masterclass, McKinley Oswald, Leadership, Team Verb, Direct Scale, Jim Marks


When I attended my first direct sales event in 1991, I helped my dad sell cassette tapes and training tools in the back of the room. We sold different titles that helped distributors introduce the company’s opportunity to their prospects. You could buy a pack of 50 tapes and ten training workbooks for $50. The titles included: “Leverage, Opportunity, and Timing,” “The Right Place. The Right Time. The Right Opportunity.”, and “If Not Now, When?” The industry focused on the opportunity pathway and the tools reflected that. Fast forward 30 years and most things about the direct sales journey have changed. Everything from the tools and the back-office to the customer journey and prospecting techniques. This edition of the Direct Sales Masterclass features a conversation with Jim Marks, the Chief Revenue Officer and Co-founder of DirectScale.

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Conversations with Industry Providers: DirectScale

Sep 16, 2020 8:00:00 AM / by McKinley Oswald posted in Business, Marketing, Best Practices, Sales Enablement, Sampling, Masterclass, McKinley Oswald, Leadership, Disrupt, Team Verb, Direct Scale, Rodger Smith

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The direct sales industry is full of powerful companies that help direct sales companies grow and achieve their goals. As part of our sales enablement platform, Verb integrates with several of these companies to help service our clients. Finding unique synergies with these companies has allowed us to serve our mutual clients in powerful ways together. This series of the Direct Sales Masterclass will feature conversations with thought leaders from these companies, sharing some of the success stories we have seen with our clients.

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